For people wondering how to get ahead financially, this post will go over tips that the very wealthy use to make their money grow. It never hurts to get inside information from those who have already achieved success. Keep reading on and you just might learn a thing or two that can help jumpstart your own financial growth.
A lot of people might think that the key to becoming super wealthy is some secret investment strategy. But this isn’t always true. Sometimes fortunes are made by what someone doesn’t do, instead of what they do. Let’s take a closer look at what that means.
Where To Invest
It’s a common belief that the U.S. and the E.U. have the most investment security, but it pays to think more globally. Some of the top places the wealthy are investing in are Singapore, Chile, and Indonesia, among others.
It’s a good idea to research up and coming markets around the world, depending on your area of interest. Do some analysis and decide whether it’s a good idea to include them in your portfolio.
Physical Assets
It’s a mistake to assume that the best investments come through stocks, bonds, and similar investment strategies. People think that because there is higher liquidity or a smaller price to enter for these assets, it’s always the best way to go.
But the truly wealthy people understand the importance of physical assets. Things like real estate, gold, land, and artwork can pay off big time. These types of assets aren’t as vulnerable to market swings and make a great addition to anyone’s portfolio.
Public vs. Private Markets
Serious wealth can be made in private markets as opposed to public or common markets. Many have made their initial fortunes in private businesses, through ownership or as a silent partner in private equity. These private equity investments can yield high returns.
Don’t Compare
It’s a natural instinct to want to see what your peers are doing to keep their wealth growing. But you want to avoid this type of competition if you’re serious about building your own fortune. Make your own goals and stick to them.
Last but Not Least
Never let your portfolio just sit around and collect dust. It’s crucial to rebalance your portfolio, making sure it’s diversified and allocated properly. It’s common for portfolios to be skewed too far in one direction.
Whether it’s on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, set firm parameters with your investment agencies based on the price of your assets. Schwab is a great resource to learn more about overall investment strategies.